School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

NB 1 - Sustainable Building & Building Performance

Casa de Vidro © S. Henn, F. Tosheva

M.Sc. Module NB 1 - Sustainable Construction

Module NB 1 Is always offered in the winter semester

Beginning: Thursday. 14.10.21, 10:00 am,


Raum: HB 03.03.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Voss,

Prof. Annette Hillebrandt,

MSc. Andrea Balcerzak


Course info under moodle   'Architecture'

The focus is on a design concept and the further conception of a building with regard to an energetically demanding and sustainable building standard (Passive house, zero and plus energy house) including material ecology and recycling. For this purpose, selected topics of cubature, building envelope, construction as well as ventilation and energy supply are treated in an integrated way. As a rule, existing buildings are dealt with. Excursions to realized projects complement the research phase.

Within the framework of object-related changing focal points, topics such as glass houses, insulation systems, thermal bridges, airtight construction, material ecology, recyclability, controlled ventilation, heat supply with renewable energy, solar systems, etc. are examined. After introductory lectures and research, processing tools are introduced based on the topic and learned in the context of the student's own term paper. Examples are calculation methods for energy balancing, building physics verification (moisture, thermal protection), system dimensioning methods or evaluation tools for the deconstructability of constructions and the recycling potential of building materials and components. The term project comprises a design study and a thematically selected in-depth study (possibly also as a detailed catalog). Project is carried out as group work.

NB 2 - Sustainable Building & Building Performance 2

Graphic created in SimRoom

M.Sc. Modul NB 2 - Simulation und Performance Based DesignM.Sc. Modul NB 2 - Simulation und Performance Based Design

This course always takes place in the summer semester

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Voss,

Dipl.-Ing. Karl Walther

The subject of the seminar is the introduction to methods for the forecasting or the evaluation of dynamic building properties. Thereby we restrict ourselves to selected rooms. The focus is on simulation tools for (summer) indoor climate and light (daylight). Selected measurement methods) are introduced for the evaluation of existing buildings.

After an introduction and individual work with the help of tutorials, tasks of increasing complexity are worked on independently. The focus is on the knowledge of the weighting of influencing factors (examples from the field of indoor climate: building mass, sun protection, night ventilation, ...) and the critical examination of results through parameter studies (variation of air exchange rates, ...). Simulation calculations are extensively critically validated by own comparisons with own measurements on campus.

S-NB - Sustainable Building Studio

© F. Alnihawi, S. Coppens, J.Weichert

M.Sc. Module Sustainable Building Studio

Topic: Varying topics in coordination with the Professorship of Building Construction, Design and Materials Science

Beginning: Thursday, 14.10.21, 10:00 am,

Room: To be announced.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Voss ,

M.Sc. Arch.Isil Kalpkirmaz Rizaoglu

Course info under moodle:   'Architecture'