School of Architecture and Civil Engineering


EnerCalC - Energy demand calculations are a complex task for large buildings. This is due to the necessary level of detail in mapping the useful energy requirements of individual areas of use (zones) and the energy supply technology. The comprehensive DIN V 18599 contains the normative framework for this. Especially for university teaching and the early conceptual phase, most commercially available tools for energy demand assessment are usually too elaborate and not transparent enough. Precisely for this purpose, a simplified, time-efficient and nevertheless sufficiently robust method was developed and published within the framework of a dissertation under the name "EnerCalC" (Dr. Markus Lichtmeß).

EnerCalC is already being used by more than a thousand users. Many universities, further education institutions and organizers of architectural competitions use the proven, Excel-based tool for the energy evaluation of buildings and for research or training purposes. Due to the simplifications made, EnerCalC is not used to create public-law certificates (energy performance certificates). Instead, EnerCalC is used to present the energy relationships in a comprehensible and transparent manner. A special feature of EnerCalC is the comprehensive calculation of zero and plus energy buildings.

With the current version 7 (2021), numerous updates, extensions and improvements have been made in the calculation core as well as in the presentation of the results. EnerCalC is also available with menu navigation in English and French.


The development work was funded within the Energy-Optimized Building (EnOB) funding program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.