School of Architecture and Civil Engineering


AcouCheck - The software turns a notebook with a connected microphone into an easy-to-use measuring device for room acoustic parameters such as echo times and others. The software is primarily designed for teaching, learning and information purposes. The objective was to enable measurements without special technical equipment by relatively simple means. Users are guided through the measurement and analysis process by means of the software and gain insight into how the measurements work or can be loaded. Through this approach, the software does not claim to provide reference quality results. However, the accuracy should be sufficient to specifically assess the quality and suitability of rooms for communication, such as in schools or universities, and to evaluate measures. For this purpose, the results are evaluated and graphically processed. In this experimental way, a more natural approach to room acoustic quality is to be brought about in the building industry than has been the case in our experience to date. AcouCheck is free of charge. This makes it particularly suitable for distribution to all students or participants at universities and in further education for architects and other building professions.

The project was funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development BBSR as part of "Zukunft Bau" and supported by the following companies:

Our Network

The first development phase 2013-15 was supported by the companies Lignotrend, OWAkustik, Akustik & Raum and Caparol.


Contact person: Dr. Detlef Hennings: detlef.hennings[at]

The tool presented in August 2014 in a first version (AkuCheck) is available as a comprehensive further development from mid-2017. In addition to a German- and English-language user interface, it is available for all common operating systems (Windows, OS-X and Android) and for tablets. The instructions (see download, right) provide an insight into its functionality.