School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Innovative projects for the nearly climate-neutral building stock 2050 < 2017-2021

The path to a nearly climate-neutral building stock is supported, among other things, by the competition announced by the BMWi. Following the tradition of the International Building Exhibitions as well as the successful student format "Solar Decathlon Europe", a competition format is to be developed by the applicants, which, in addition to a suitable urban location, will demonstrate advanced concepts for a building energy competition in Germany. The main focus of the University of Wuppertal is to support the content of the competition and to provide scientific support to the winners. A link to Annex 74 "Energy Endeavour" within the framework of the International Energy Agency is being sought.

Furthermore, aspects of content for a follow-up competition as well as concepts for the promotion of young scientists will be developed together with the partners Fraunhofer ISE Freiburg and KIT Karlsruhe.

The scientific monitoring of the funding initiative EnEff.Gebäude.2050 in the form of a project evaluation allows an assessment of the current funding measure as well as the identification of existing thematic gaps with regard to the goal of a nearly climate-neutral building stock in 2050 with the aim of designing possible follow-up measures.

The project is funded by the BMWi as part of the EnEff.Gebäude.2050 funding initiative.


European Energy Endeavour - Solar Decathlon Europe 2019-2022

The "Solar Decathlon" is a student competition format, which challenges the 18 participating teams to design, plan, build and operate a 100% solar-powered house. In 2002, the first Solar Decathlon took place in Washington D.C., USA. The Solar Decathlon has since been held in China, Central America, the Middle East and Europe. In 2010 and 2012, the Solar Decathlon Europe was held in Madrid and in 2014 in Versailles.
Team Wuppertal participated in 2010. Since 2018, the working group "Competition and Living lab Platform" has existed within the framework of the EBC program of the IEA under the leadership of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Voss. This forms an international forum for the discussion and further development of the competition format and, in particular, is concerned with the interface of the competition with construction and energy research.

The project is funded by the BMWi through the research initiative EnOB.
You can find out more about this here


Pupils Academy "2° Campus", 2012 - 2021

The Department of Architecture has been a research partner in the so-called "2°Campus" since 2012 and is responsible for the area of housing. The project is carried out nationwide by WWF Germany with funding from the Robert Bosch Stiftung. The goal of the student academy is to explore life in a low greenhouse gas society. In discourse with mentors from universities, non-university research institutions and during excursions, young people learn to conduct independent research. The program involves developing a research question, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting the results to the public. Together, they look for solutions to slow down climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Germany by 95 percent by 2050.


Du möchtest Teil des 2°Campus werden? Über unsere Berichte kannst du verfolgen, was die diesjährige 2°Campus Crew entdeckt, erlebt und wie es mit ihren Forschungsfragen vorrangeht. Im September beginnt die neue Bewerbungsphase für den Durchlauf 2022. Bewerben kannst du dich, wenn du zwischen 15 unnd 19 Jahre als bist und dich für den Klimaschutz einsetzten möchtest.

Want to be part of the 2°Campus? Through our articles, you can follow what this year's 2°Campus crew is discovering, experiencing, and how they are progressing with their research questions. In September, the new application phase for the 2022 run begins. You can apply if you are between 15 and 19 years old and would like to get involved in climate protection.

Research project 2017 - 2020

The project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) "Investments in Growth and Employment" in conjunction with state funds from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building and Equality of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MHKBG NRW).

You can find the final report here


Research project 2018 - 2020

Funding was received for a consortium made of Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, PNO, Energy Endeavour Foundation, and TU Delft from the European Commission under the tender ENER/C2/2016-502.


Final report

Research project 2016 - 2019

Research project 2017 - 2018

Together with the Institute for Housing and the Environment from Darmstadt, the University of Wuppertal has worked on the methodology for determining suitable comparative values.
You can find final report here


Research project 2013 - 2017

German participation in the IEA, SHCP Task 51

Research project 2014 - 2015

Research project 2009 - 2015

Research project 2012 - 2014

On the way to the low-energy house in pre-existing buildings, 2012-14.
Report about the research project


AkuCheck room acoustics EDP tool for measuring reverberation times through interactive functionalities. This measurement tool in the form of software for notebook computers is available for free.


More Informationen here

Research project 2009 - 2012

Decentralized power generation in the low-power range as a contribution to emission reduction in existing buildings - potential analysis and exemplary implementation for homeowners in NRW.


You can find the final report here

Research project 2009 - 2011

Research project 2004 - 2007

Research project 2006 - 2010

Research project 2005 - 2009

Research project 2007

Research project 2004 - 2008

Research project 2005 - 2006