School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

BB - Building Climate & Building Physics

B.Sc. Module BB

in winter & summer semester

The goal is a building a fundamental understanding of building climatic and building physical processes and their significance in the design, planning, realization and operation of buildings.

Architecture 3rd & 4th semester (PF-Compulsory course)

Module BB - Part I in winter semester ; Part II in summer semester


Lectures: Mondays, 14:15 - 16:00,

Starts: Mon - 17.10 at 2:15 pm;

Room: HC 00.20.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Voss,


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Goertz,

Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Hansen,

Dr.-Ing. Tjado Voß.


Course info on moodle : Architecture

Students gain fundamental ability to design and dimension buildings and their components with regard to climate friendly design and use-appropriate, and energy-efficient construction. Understanding of basic phenomena in climate, indoor environment, heat, moisture, sound, daylighting, and fire protection creates the basis for critical questions to the design and construction planning. Students obtain a professional understanding as a basis for integrating the services of specialist engineers into the planning process.

The BB module (PO 2020) is a two semesters course, starts in the winter semester. The module is completed with a collective portfolio and a written exam (end of summer semester). Dates / documents / assignments / information will be exchanged via the Moodle platform. Eligibility for the written exam requires all successfully recognized assignments and registration: NEW PO 2020 via moodle and OLD PO 2013 via StudiLöwe.

LB - Light & Lighting

B.Sc.-Module LB

In summer semester

The aim is to introduce daylight and artificial lighting design based on theory and practice. The participants will develop their own lighting design in depth.

Architecture 6th semester (WF, new PO 2020).

Note: Successful participation in the module LB is a mandatory part of the former two-semester module TG according to PO 2013.

Architecture 6th semester (WF, new PO 2020)



B.Sc. module LB in summer semester

Lectures: Summer semester 2022


The module LB (PO 2020) is one semester long and takes place in the summer semester.

Instructor: Dr. Thomas Schielke



Dates / documents / assignments / information will be exchanged via the Moodle platform.

The seminar focuses on the student's own seminar paper on daylighting and artificial lighting design in conjunction with a design from the previous or current semester. For this purpose, lectures will introduce the basics of daylight and artificial lighting design. This includes physiological, physical, sociological and design aspects. Design strategies, materials and technical systems are explained with examples. Current developments in the field of automation technology are presented and discussed. A selected lighting design tool will be introduced and supervised in its application to the student's own design. The course concludes with a presentation on the result of a lighting design for one's own design project, including an explanatory report.