Fakultät für Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen


Building-Grid Interaction Analysis of an All-Electric Office Building with Thermally Activated Building Systems Using Rule Based Control and Dynamic Tariff Signals - Proceedings of SimBuild Conference 2024

Kırant-Mitić, T., Voss,K.

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Heat flow metering in building practice. A critical field study for a large industrial building complex

In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2042, No. 1, p. 012085) 2021.
CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Schweiz

Authors: K. Walther, K. Voss

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Data-driven occupant centric rules of automated shade adjustments: office building case study in Luxembourg

G. Derbas, K. Voss

CISBAT 2021, Lausanne, Schweiz

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Building 2226 on the Test Bench -Simulation study on the relocated 2226 building by Baumschlager Eberle

Students Modeling Competition- IPBSA Building Simulation 2021

Brügge, Belgien

Authors: K. Walther, I. Kalpkirmaz Rizaoglu, T. Kirant-Mitic, G. Derbas

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Living Lab Gebäudeperformance Webinar, 3/2021

Gebäudeperformance auf dem Prüfstand
Raumklima- und Energieperformance – Praxiserfahrungen aus Pilotprojekten

Prof. Karsten Voss

The Self-Sufficient Solar House Freiburg

Guest lecture in the course “From the Solar House to Net Zero Buildings”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sustainable Design Lab, Boston, USA, 4/2021

Prof. Karsten Voss

Comparison of stationary and transient RANS modelling to predict the Spatial velocity field of a ceiling integrated fan

O. Glahn, T. Voß, K. Voss, S. Schwickert
BauSim 2020, Graz

Solar Decathlon Europe – Energy Engineering Experiences and Perspectives for SDE 21 in Germany

K. Voss
XIV International HVAC&R Technologies Symposium, 2020, Istanbul

Impulse aus der Gebäude- und Anlagensimulation für die Betriebsführung eines Kraft-Wärme-Kälte-Verbundes

In: BauSIM 2020 – Tagungsband

Autoren: Karl Walther, Karsten Voss

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Key Action Fields for nearly Carbon-Neutral Districts:

Stakeholder-specific Strategies and Practice

in: The World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, BEYOND2020, October 2020 in Göteborg (The paper will be published by IOP proceedings on the Earth and Environmental Science Journal with ISSN/DOI.).

Authors: S. Hess, D. Kreulitsch, M. Schmid, I. Kalpkirmaz Rizaoglu, A. Honold, M. Stobbe, C. Nytsch-Geussen, T. Lützkendorf

Building Performance Simulation to Simulate Architectural Early

Design: Integrating Design and Simulation.

In: The 35th Passive and Low Energy Architecture - PLEA Conference, September 2020 (The paper will be published as part of the Proceedings of the 35th PLEA International Conference and hosted in the PLEA-Arch as open access.).

Authors: I. Kalpkirmaz Rizaoglu, K. Voss

Solar Decathlon Europe and the Energy Endevour Initiative

EuroSun 2016, Palma, 12.-14.10.2016

Autoren: K. Voss, S. Hendel, P. Russel
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Integrated Design Approach for Improving Personal Summer Thermal Comfort in Existing office Buildings with Suspended Ceilings

Clima 2016, 23.-25.05.2016, DK-Aalborg

Autoren: K. Voss, T. Voß
Tagungsband hier lesen

Field Studies of Human Light Exposure during Everyday Activities - Methodological Aspects and Initial Results

International Conference CISBAT 2015, Lausanne

Autoren: P. Sonneborn, K. Voss

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Energieverbrauch und Energieeffizienz in der Hotellerie

EnOB-Symposium 2014, Essen

Autoren: K. Voss, S. Bernard

Solar Decathlon Europe – Dabei sein ist nicht alles

EnOB-Symposium 2014, Essen

Autoren: K. Voss, et.al.

Evolution of Zero Energy Building concept after EPBD recast

PLEA2013 - 29th Conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future

Autoren: E. Musall, u.a.

Design Strategies for Non-Residential Zero-Energy Buildings -
Lessons Learned from Task40/Annex 52 Towards Net Zero-Energy Solar Buildings

CLIMA 2013 - 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC, 16.-19.6.2013, Prag

Autoren: E. Musall, u.a.
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Mikroklimatische und Baukonstruktive Einflüsse bei dezentraler Lüftung

BauSIM 2012 – Gebäudesimulation auf den Größenskalen Bauteil, Raum, Gebäude, Stadtquartier, 26. – 28.9.2012, Berlin

Autoren: T. Voß, K. Voss

Photovoltaics and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings: architectural considerations

ZEmCH int. Conference August 2012, Glasgow

Autoren: E. Musall, u.a.
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Design Issues for Net Zero-Energy Buildings

ZEmCH int. Conference August 2012, Glasgow

Autoren: E. Musall, u.a.
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Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings: An Overview and Analysis on Worldwide Building Projects

EuroSun Conference, Graz 2010

Autoren: E. Musall, K. Voss, u.a.
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Load Matching and Grid Interaction of Net Zero Energy Buildings

EuroSun Conference, Graz 2010:

Autoren: E. Musall, K. Voss, u.a.
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Net Zero Energy Buildings. Calculation Methodes and Input Variables - An International View

EuroSun Conference, Graz 2010:

Autoren: E. Musall, K. Voss, u.a.
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zuletzt bearbeitet am: 03.09.2024